PDFCreator licensing

PDFCreator can be used for free by both individuals and companies. In some cases, however, you may be in the need of a professional solution. For businesses, we offer various PDFCreator editions that you can acquire a license for. By purchasing a license, you gain access to the software, as well as its specific features, updates, and priority support. 

  • PDFCreator Professional licenses are based on an annual license fee per workstation.
  • PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Server licenses are based on an annual license fee per server. For each server, you only need one license, which is valid for an unlimited number of users.
    • PDFCreator Terminal Server and Server are not user-based, but rather need to be licensed on each machine, this includes productive and testing/evaluation environments as well as physical and virtual servers. This also applies to virtual servers, such as subsequent XenApp-servers.

Note: If you are using a master image, you also need a license for the master image in addition to the cloned copies. This is necessary because it is not technically possible to detect if a machine is used for production or not.

Exception: If you do not need to activate PDFCreator on the master image (you don’t need to change any settings and simply want to forward the program to your clones e. g.), you can use the DeferLicenseCheck parameter. This parameter postpones the license activation during installation. Instead, you will be asked to activate your license during the first startup after installation.

This workflow can only be used with a silent installation. If the setup is started in interactive mode, there is no option to defer the license check.